Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wednesday pics

The Baby House


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Scott and Jen,
The photos of Aidan are wonderful, please keep them coming even if it is a struggle. It is interesting to see the picture of the baby house. It gives a feel for the area. Take pictures of area and hotel rooms etc. for viewing when you come home.
Be Happy,
Granna and Pops

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first thing I said to myself was "WOW, look at those two bottom teeth getting ready to pop through", then it was all--"look how awesome and happy..." I love you guys. This is amazing for all of us to experience. I shared this with a really good friend at work and it brought her to tears--just your experience and now your miracle. Keep warm--it is cold here too if it is any consolation--isn't baby drool great??!?!? Love ya! heather

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he is so smiley and happy! i love to read the posts. keep them coming! i am addicted to this blog already!
love, sarah

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jen and Scott, so happy to here things are going well! First of all let me say "I can't wait to hold that cute little guy" He looks
so happy! Madeline thinks he looks
like uncle Scott with his hair sticking up!
We are so happy for the three of you! You make a very cute family!
Love, Matt, Michele,Mason, Madeline and Max
ps- Jen go for the suede boots!!!

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos! He has a great smile! How happy! Makes us happy! Makes you happy! Makes everyone happy! Also, enjoy reading the daily updates. Everyone here at work takes a quick peek in the a.m. at Aidan. They all thinks he's a doll. Talk to you tomorrow. Love, Mom/Colleen/Collie

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Scott, Jeanette and Aidan, you all look so happy! It is great to see you altogether as a family. What a wonderful time for all of you. Keep the blog going. So fun to be able to keep up with what is happening. Can't wait until you come home and we can all celebrate this wonderful new chapter in your lives! We love you. Eileen, Matt, Jason and Michael

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't get over how happy and healthy Aidan looks. Sam and Jack ask me every morning if there are new pictures of the baby. I check a few times a day, just to make sure I don't miss anything new. Keep having fun!


6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
Wow, Jen your narrative is so vivid I feel as if I am there with you! The descriptions of the well-dressed women and the shops remind me very much of the cities we visited while in China to pick up Margo and Audrey.
I am sure Aidan will someday appreciate the hard work you are doing to chronicle the trip you made to pick him up to join your family. Margo got out her storybook again just yesterday and Audrey is complaining because her story isnt finished yet! (I am such a slacker!) We love and miss you all and look forward to more stories and pictures!

8:07 PM  

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